16 February 2022

Date: 16th - 18th Feb 2022


Property managers or assistant property managers with some experience in advising clients on and processing Section 20s.
It's also useful for managers who would like a refresher on (or introduction to) the required procedures of Section 20
Those who would like to address the practical issues, problems, and complications that can arise during and after the Section 20 procedure.
A 6-hour course being be run over 3 consecutive days (2-hours per day) covering the requirements and procedures of Section 20 (qualifying works and qualifying long term agreements), exemptions, OJEU Public Notices, and the growing body of Case Law


When consultation is required
The Regulations - 5 variations on a theme!
Requirements of Notices to satisfy each of the Regulations
The sequence of events and timescales
Minimum requirements and best practice
"Service" of the Notices/proof of service
Raising the funds-v-adequate reserve fund
Qualifying Long Term Agreements: managing agents' contracts; CHP systems; 5-year limit
New developments and public sector partnering regimes
Private Landlord's Consultation with RSL/Housing Associations in the light of 'Oakfern-v-Ruddy'
Use of Tribunal applications for dispensation/Section 20(1)/20ZA
The nomination by leaseholders of unsuitable and/or numerous contractors
Summarising "observations" - how far do you go?
Choice of contractor, implications of not using the cheapest
Consequences of non-compliance for managing agents - client management and risk reduction




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